Tradeskillmaster wow how to erase groups
Tradeskillmaster wow how to erase groups

There is a fine line between personal goals ("I want to have fun") and group goals ("We want to kill that boss"), but (as in many real life group environments), these goals don't need to be at odds. If some kind of formalized loot distribution system (like DKP) is not used, epic loot is normally distributed on the basis of what's best for the raid's future success, and not what's optimal for an individual player.

tradeskillmaster wow how to erase groups

People with selfish goals, especially when it comes to loot, usually don't find much pleasure in raids. The most happy raid members are those who join a run because they like the challenge of the encounters, no matter whether it's a wipe night, a first kill or a farm run. It's about building and maintaining a team, a close-knit group of players who progress together. The motivation for trying this is not gear, but rather the wish to master something really difficult. The remaining PvE challenge are the 25 player hardmodes. Gear obtained this way is just one tier below the best stuff available, and (compared to vanilla/TBC) with rather low effort. Very good gear can be obtained with comparative ease by completing the daily badge quest, farming the 10 player versions and the occasional 25 player run. Have patience, and be a good team player. Progress raiding is a long term team effort. In effect, this means 25 player hard modes, or 25 player normal modes for raids which really strive for progress. The following text is about progress raiding, that is with a group which does not outgear the instance. Since WLK, raids rather face problems like gear elitism (" minimum gearscore xx, link achievement"), which basically amounts to beating the encounters by outgearing them, not by proper tactics.

tradeskillmaster wow how to erase groups

Due to this development raiding has become much more commonplace, and the following rules have lost much of their exclusivity and some of their importance.ĭuring vanilla and TBC, successful raiding depended on a dedicated player base, because progress was only possible with well-practised tactics and a good organized raid. All other content has become very accessible and is regularly cleared by pickup groups. With the changes in WLK, hardmodes now are the pinnacle of raiding. In vanilla WoW, less than 2% of all players ever entered Naxxramas (the original version). Prior to WLK, only a few players got there for example, only about half the number of players who killed a boss in Karazhan ever killed a 25 player boss, and less than 5% defeated the final boss of the expansion ( Kil'Jaeden).

tradeskillmaster wow how to erase groups

The culmination of the PvE endgame is the 25 player raids. For small groups there are the heroic five-man instances, and groups of 10 can enter the world of raids. The world of PvP can be explored, it's possible to continue playing solo, and there are many options available for group PvE. Upon reaching the maximum level, many choices are open. Sooner or later, the next step is to run small instances with groups of five (the Instance grouping guide helps mastering this style of play). At start, new players usually spend a lot of time playing alone or questing in small groups of fewer than five players.

Tradeskillmaster wow how to erase groups