‘Interview with the Antichrist' is winning many to Christ and drawing the luke-warm Christian closer to God before the Rapture strikes - which could be any day now. We're becoming like communist China - where everyone is lock-and-step with the small group of people in charge." I watched this fantastic movie, it explains about what happen in the past, present and the future, it’s real, watch this movie and support the fight we’re in. I believe the antichrist is alive at this moment and its evident by the overt and blatant attacks on our faith in America. Louise Coetzer Clarke - yes hundreds of South Africans have already seen the film God bless 2. "I truly believe we're in the last days before the Lord's coming in the Rapture. "Please keep us in prayer," requests Chey. It's that simple."Ĭhey believes the antichrist spirit is everywhere in the government and the private sector where it's become fashionable to discriminate against Believers in Christ. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. "Congress must act on discrimination against Believers in Christ," said Chey. He's also a Harvard-educated attorney besides being a film director. "This is a total affront to freedom of speech and freedom of religion and a total violation of the Civil Rights Act."Ĭhey should know. There is more to Antichrist than meets the eye, and I highly recommend it to anybody looking for a horror/suspense film that engages more than just the reptilian parts of the brain."They're doing this to other Christians in the media too," says the director Tim Chey. To anybody that tries to berate this movie as the deranged product of excessively liberal foreigners I must point you to movies like Saw, which drew American crowds young and old for numerous sequels that were basically just series' of elaborate and gruesome torture scenes, sometimes clever but never much more than that. Kings of Horror presents: American AntichristAmerican Antichrist is the fifth feature film from Denver auteur filmmaker Dakota Ray. At several points during the course of this film I couldn't help but rewind it to watch a scene again, discuss it in greater depth with my friends, attempt to extricate the finer details that are present in abundance both at the surface and underneath. The gory scenes, though sickening, are always important in some way to the main themes of the movie. Show this to your Bible study group, unsaved family members, fellow workers - this film is winning many to Christ and drawing the luke-warm Christian closer to God before the Rapture strikes - which could be any day now. One will also realize that the violent and sexual content is never pure excess. Own INTERVIEW WITH THE ANTICHRIST with your donation of 9.99 - and youre seeing the ENTIRE MOVIE before it hits theaters. The movie isn't packed with moral insight but that doesn't preclude it from being intellectually engaging and, as a consequence, genuinely entertaining. Few movies, in fact, possess the level of depth that Antichrist does. A grieving couple retreats to their cabin Eden in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and. If one is willing to stomach the periodic revulsion of watching this movie from beginning to end with a thoughtful and mature perspective they will find that it is full of symbolism, foreshadowing, and the kind of characterization that brings great success to novels. Movie details 'When nature turns evil, true terror awaits.'. YouTube and Facebook is current blocking the film. A live interview with the Antichrist is broadcast to 2 billion people during the final year of the Great Tribulation.
and liberated famininity is now free to define the selection criteria of the entire breeding population. Interview with the Antichrist: Directed by Timothy A. Outwardly, this is a film about a couple dealing with incredible loss. "Gory" appropriately describes some sections of this film but the word by no means encapsulates it. The interview with the AntiChrist will be officially be available in cinemas in September 2021. The director has said this movie is an expression of how depression feels, and I can see that. This movie is violent and very sexually graphic, bordering at times on artistic but hardcore pornography but it isn't lurid for the sole purpose of scandal.